2012.11.13. The Museum of Modern Art, New York Hiroyuki Suzuki's speech at 2012 World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize ceremony Ladies and gentleman, it is our great honor and pleasure to be here to attend the ceremony to be awarded the World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize. Our project was not so big in scale and it was carried out in a very small village far from our capital city Tokyo. Nevertheless, our project was picked up by jury members consist of eminent scholars. We never dreamed such an evaluation, so we are very proud of that. I would like to express sincere gratitude for all of you on behalf of our consortium members. We are rather unique team from various fields of professions. Professor Magata is a vise president of Ehime University, most important research university in the area. He did so many negotiations to persuade local people accepting restoration project. Without him, we cannot realize any parts of the project. Professor Hanada is a professor of architectural design and history. He made wide and deep research on Masatsune Matsumura, the architect of the Hizuchi elementary school. Without him, we cannot obtain precise images of the original design. Mr. Wada is an architect responsible for restoration design. With his thoughtful decisions, restoration went on swiftly. Without him, we cannot make so many items of information into one authentic design. Mr. Takechi designed new additional wing just beside the Matsumura wings. It was very difficult task to put new element beside valuable modern heritage. He did not imitate but create new wooden structure. Without him, we cannot get new integrity at the Hizuchi elementary school. Mr. Kajimoto of Yawatahama city worked sincerely and energetically for realizing the project as a local government officer. He found solutions to fill the gaps between present condition of historic building and recent building code and other regulations. Without him, we cannot find the answers in the regal aspect this project. Professor Koshihara, he is absent because of academic duties in Japan, is a specialist of wooden structure. Without him, we cannot make this building safe and strong without changing original forms. Finally, I joined the project as a architectural historian and a conservationist. Without me, everything might have gone quite well. Even so, I hope I am allowed to be here as an oldest member of the consortium. Thank you.